Ne mundësojmë zgjidhjet më inovative dhe produktet më të avancuara të tregut ndërkombëtar.
Hermes Pharma Group pays close attention to the regulatory affairs in order to maintain medical products, supplements and devices in accordance with National and European Union legislations and regulatory requirements. Our department is constantly updated about any new changes in these regulations.
We provide all scientific documentations proving quality and safety of the product to regulatory authorities, preparation of various documents for submission to the competent authority, Maintenance of MA licenses and coordination of tasks with pharmacovigilance department.
This service is provided by qualified staff members, who are responsible of handling and implementing every detail and planned action. This organized process continues to increase the professionalism credibility between Hermes Pharma Group, Partners and regulatory Authorities.
Handling of returns, order processing, warehousing, shipping, registration, invoicing, booking of sales, distribution and collection of receivables, in each case, with respect to the sale and distribution of the product. We pay close attention to all these processes in order to maintain a smooth flow of the work we do here at HPG.
"We cover the distribution, marketing and sales of medicinal products throughout all of Kosovo, we deliver our products by both internally owned transport vehicles and transport related outsourced companies. We strive to always provide our products at the right place and time through well managed distribution.""
We also are very careful of matching our product and their placement in the market. Our Marketing and Sales team break down the attributes and the background of the product in order to distribute it at the right place in the most ethical way, and by also protecting its values.
With the continuous development of technology and marketing approach, Here at HPG we continuously strive to be a step forward from all our competitors. Our Marketing team consists of twelve professionals with both medicinal related backgrounds and also marketing professionals. It is mandatory for us to represent our partners and their product in the most professional ways. We believe in our partners and products we choose to work with, therefore we want to educate the whole costumer market about our products and their use.
We also strive to be an informative, opened to the public company ,providing a different approach and an example to the Pharmaceutical Industry in all of Kosovo. We are also specialized in B2B products too, by organizing trainings and informative events with medicinal professionals we increase the performance of our products in the market.A part of our efficiency comes from data collection .
We are very interested to know the costumers experiences with our products . We stay close to our partners helping them with valuable information on their product performance .
Hermes Pharma Group specializes in professional marketing and brand development. With skills, assets and the right approach to the market we have proven to boost many companies presence in our region.